Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Last Post, 2

As I was saying, there's lots I'll miss about my time in Chile, including (and again, in no particular order)....

Avenida Suecia: This was the street we lived on and as I've mentioned earlier, it was full of gorgeous buildings, one more beautiful than the other. More pics below

Spending time with Fernando: That's my younger brother, and although he lives in Toronto and we do visit quite a bit up here in Canada, the kids and I spent four weeks with him in Chile and it was great. He took us places we wouldn't have gone to, such as the before-mentioned soccer game, and also El Cajon de Maipo (pics below). He and I also reminisced about our childhood in Chile, got caught up with our respective lives, and became much closer than before. 

Taking the metro: I've also mentioned this before, but, it's worth repeating, as Santiago's metro really is something special, a thing of beauty.

The people we met, the friends we made: We didn't meet hundreds of people, maybe more like a dozen, but they were all warm, sincere, lovely. I don't have photos for all of them, like the lady who drove Nick and Carmen to school, Ana Maria Munoz; or Luz Maria Lamas, the woman whose apartment I rented. However, their images are imprinted in my mind and I will always remember them.

And finally, I will miss posting on this blog. According to general blog stats, Suzanne's Chilean Sabbatical got a few hundred hits over the past three months, so, to everyone and anyone who took the time to see what I was up to -- thank you very much, y adios amigos!


  1. It's wierd, but I feel a little nostalgic for you and your stay in Chile. Because you spent your formative years there, the trip was (obviously) different than just going as a tourist. Staying with you dad and going to your old neighbourhood, catching up with your brother, having your kids immersed in the language and culture--it seems more like a complete family and cultural reunion. So I can see why you're going to miss it!

  2. Suzanne - Thanks for your blog. Don't stop now. I've included a link to your blog on my website, where you can read of the travels and travails of other sabbaticalites, too! How has your experience changed you?

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